One of the common issues with the World Wide Web is that everything you do is transparent to the companies that own your browsers or your search engines or your internet service provider. If I read something and it mentioned "bloused sleeves" and I looked the term up, I could be certain that my next trip to the interwebs would contain advertisements for shirts with bloused sleeves. God forbid I should be curious about "erectile disfunction" or "incontinence."
I switched search engines to DuckDuckGo to cut back on those issues, and it works. My main issue now is that I used to be able to say "I googled that question." Saying "I DuckDuckGoed that question" just doesn't have the same easy feel, and is the past tense, "I DuckDuckWent that question"?
I digressed. The issue is that once you visit a site, you'll get email from them until you find the fine print that permits you to "unsubscribe" from receiving said email that you have no memory of subscribing to in the first place. What prompts these observations? I received an email from Click & Grow offering me a Smart Garden-3 for $69.99 USD. SRP is $159.99, so this is less than half price. Do I have room for a sixth Smart Garden-3? Barely, but yes. Yes, I do.
I've stated that given it all to do over, I should have bought two Smart Garden-9s for less money than I spent on five SG-3s. But the question before the board is not whether to replace the five SG-3s with two SG-9s, but to acquire a sixth SG-3. Replacement would cost on the order of $600.
It's all academic. I deleted the email with the offer and flushed the trash bin. I visited the site, and without that email and its offer code, they want $140. The chance has passed me by.
