Whether or not it was scheduled or due, cleaning the iDOO units was necessary, so I did. This was immediately after harvesting all the remaining lettuce and some of the herbs for salad. I siphoned all the water and plant nutrients from Ethel, cleaned her up, then transferred the remaining herbs from Phredd. I may have accidentally dropped some of the more annoying herb pods in my garbage can, after saving some to dry. I added the water and nutrients back in, added distilled water to the 4L level, and reassembled. Ethel looks like this:

Now it was Phredd's turn in the bath. He needed it. Badly. Same deal with the water and nutrients, except I added over a half gallon to make up the lack. I should mention that all the losses meant adding more nutrients, too. I gathered all the green onion plants from the Harvests, and now Phredd looks like this:

Even with empty pod bays in Ethel (I have lots of herb seed pods for her), emptying eleven pod bays of green onions meant that I could plant more lettuce and those oriental vegetables I bought. So now the Harvests all look like this:
